Links in the Chain

  Not the kind of chains that keep us in bondage but links in a family and generations that preserve Christianity and God’s word. We’re all links in the chain somewhere between those that came  before us and those to come after us. Are we strong links or are we weak ones? Are we being salt that preserves God’s word or salt that burns in the wounds of others which makes deep nasty scares? Are we putting pressure on the chain one way or another that could cause breaks and disconnections? Are we being accountable to the convictions of the Holy Spirit, loving, caring, having the best in mind for those we come in contact with and live among? Are we using the sight of how we see others through the perspective that Christ gives us when living inside of us? We cannot hate when we see others through the eyes of the Holy Spirit living in us for we no longer only see the things on the surface but have an understanding of that person and their story and the things that reside deeper within therefore we no longer judge but understand. Once understanding we then can finally fully serve people with truly having their best interests in mind. It is then also that we get a glimpse of how deeply our father loves us and how we are to love others. 

   “Jesus help me to see me the way you see me, and Jesus help me to see others the way that you see them. Amen. “


Hatchers Pass